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Each Sunday


8:00     A.M.   Early Morning Worship

9:00     A.M.   Continental Breakfast

9:30     A.M.   Church School for all ages

9:30     A.M.   New Member’s Class

10:45   A.M.   Praise & Worship

11:00   A.M.   Worship Experience

Children’s Sermon each Sunday 

Youth Emphasis each 3rd Sunday


Each Wednesday


12:00   Noon   Bible Study & Prayer Meeting

7:30     P.M.    Prayer Meeting via Conference Call


Each Friday


7:30     P.M.    Bible Study and Prayer Meeting



Pastoral Counseling each Tuesday by appointment.

Everyone is invited to Bible Study and Prayer Meeting.  You do not have to be a member of Tyree Church to attend.

Welcome to Tyree AME Church

  • A Bible believing church

  • A vibrant church school

  • Exciting Bible classes

  • Christ-centered preaching

  • A church that is alive with praise

  • Genuinely friendly people

  • A church concerned about the community

  • A variety of music for the young and the old

  • A chance for a fresh start

  • Encouraging, positive, and practical messages

  • All people are welcome


Tyree A.M.E. Church will become the prophetic voice in the community by meeting the spiritual and social needs of God’s people, thus providing resources and direction for holistic living.


The Mission of Tyree A.M.E. Church is to save souls by celebrating the love of Jesus Christ as we apply God’s Word to every aspect of our daily lives.

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